Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Effects of short term and long term use of pain killers

Pain Pill detoxification

Pain Pill are quite common today’s people but more common are the harmful side effects associated with it. While people talk about headaches, nausea, vomiting, an intense high, muscle spasms all over the body and their trouble of not having a good sleep, the doctors always tend to entertain the possibility of a heart disease. Such symptoms of patients having troubled nights rubs off on a confused doc trying to find out the actual cause of issue and prescribe medications. The story almost always predictably stops on the Pain Pills Withdrawal treatment in a doc's rehab clinic or rehab treatment center in a hospital. This scenario often played out by a millions of people all over the globe is set to change now.

What is Pain Pill Withdrawal?

I am confident about a thing that you have lost the count of a number of times you have been squabbling about sleepless nights that has grabbed you into a pediatric visit for its frequent intensity. Addition to that the considerable risk of sharing a waiting room airtight with sick people. The Pain Pill Withdrawal assists such patients to overcome their intense affinity for the pills. It diminishes their drug tolerance which means they are no longer in need a supply of any pill. After which they are directed to counseling and support centers.

So what actually are the effects of short term and long term use of pain killers that really matters to your life?

There are various kinds of pain pills available in the market ranging from Over The Counter (OTC) drugs which include Ibuprofen, Naproxen and Aspirin to the doc's favorite ones, the prescribed drugs which include Tramadol, Morphine, Opana, Hydrocodone. From all of them, the narcotic pain pills are the most notorious among the list. They echelon the highest risk of addiction. Improper use of pain killers most of the times result in harmful consequences sometimes being fatal. The death tolls in a year particularly in the USA are something to be noted of.

The short-term side-effects of these are generally caused due to opiate category pills. An intense high is perceived leads you to a sedated state and ending with slowed down reactions. The degree of the high depends on how you take the drug. Is it snorted, swallowed or crushed and injected into the veins. The short term effects may be nothing to be worried of, but in the long term, the results are really serious, some may prove fatal. Mild conditions are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and muscle spasms in random points in the body. Some pills are also capable of increasing the possibilities of a heart attack. However, all these effects are directly proportional to how you consume the pills, swallow it, snort it or crush it and inject it into your veins.

The Pain Pill Withdrawal treatment begins with lowering the dose of the pill through professional guidance providing you counseling and support. The results are achieved slowly over a period of time. A pain pill avoided a day keeps the doctors away and your life will be long lasting.

Center for Network Therapy, CNT is led by a nationally acclaimed chemical dependence expert, IndraCidambi. CNT offers, high quality Ambulatory (Outpatient) Detoxification from alcohol benzodiazepines, opiates (heroin, pain killers) and Suboxone exclusively while addressing co-occurring psychiatric issues.

Dr. Cidambi initiated the use of the Ambulatory Detox model and CNT has successfully detoxed it’s various clients. Group size is kept limited so as to provide highly individualized treatment and allow clients the space to express and process feelings. CNT accepts private health insurance and are very easily accessible from the GSP, NJTP, I-78, I-287, Rt. 1, Rt. 18, Rt. 22, Rt. 202 and Rt. 206.

CNT offers Vivitrol shots after the completion of detox and offers step down to PHP and IOP levels of care with medication management.

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Detoxification Facts, Process and tips for Managing

What is Detoxification?

Detoxification as most of us know is the process of removing toxins from whole body. But to define it more specifically, detoxification is the physiological or medicinal process of removing toxic substances from a living organism which includes the human body, which is mainly carried out by the liver. In the case of substance abuse, detox as a term refers to the time frame through which body is permitted to handle or use any medications and alcohol in the system and in doing so, clears their toxic influence.

Precautions during Detoxification 

Detoxification is the first and critical first step to long-term sobriety. It’s right to feel a bit overwhelmed and even apprehensive while because it’s the new territory that we are venturing, however medically supervised detox programs does have included many precautions and safeguards which  are designed to keep clients stable and comfortable throughout the process.

Before the detoxification is taken up, choosing the right detoxification program is very important. There are multiple precautions that has to be taken to ensure their safety, but choosing the right detox program can increase the chances of success by making sure you choose the right program for your needs. Detox programs take place either on an outpatient basis also known as ambulatory detoxification or at a residential detox center or inpatient detoxification.

Most importantly an unsupervised at-home detox is never recommended. There are many substances that need to be tapered off gradually, and doing an abrupt withdrawal can cause dangerous medical complications.To have an effective first step of treatment, detoxification must be an individualised process because patients have varying needs.


Facts of Detoxification

A women who is pregnant cannot be detoxified from opiates (also morphine, heroin, and similar drugs) because a strict detoxification can increase the risk of spontaneous abortion. Those women undergo Methadone detoxification as an alternative detox. Methadone acts as a replacement for the heroin in the woman's body and does not provide the "high" that the heroin provides. On the other hand, methadone is safer for the fetus than heroin.

Dealing with Withdrawal symptoms during Detoxification

During Detoxification, the patient's medical team strives to get the patient relief from withdrawal for the  substance on which he or she is physically dependent, while treating the withdrawal symptoms. During Detoxification individuals physically dependent on a substance experience withdrawal symptoms when they try abstaining from the drug or alcohol. Withdrawal symptoms vary with each drug of abuse, but can be severe and even dangerous. Patients who are in recovery need help managing the withdrawal symptoms.

Dealing before detoxification

Changing your dietary patterns could be the first step for the preparation for your detox diet. Downsizing the measure of prepared and greasy foods that you eat for crisp foods and vegetables, drinking a glass of water after every 2 to 3 hours and cutting back on caffeine, refined sugar and alcohol is what is suggested.

The initial step to any detoxification, irrespective to the substance, is a physical examination and history taken by a doctor. This data social event and examination helps the treatment group evaluate the patient's general wellbeing. By and large, better the well-being of the patient is, the better the chances are that the patient will experience a detoxification without genuine or life-undermining complications


After the patient has finished detoxification, he or she needs advance treatment either at an outpatient, inpatient, private, or day healing center program keeping in mind the end goal to remain drug-free for the long term. Patients are dealt with health care experts and few patients are also guided by individuals who are recovering from addiction themselves. Numerous patients also benefit from 12-step programs or self-help groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA).

Resources Books

Matthews, John. "Substance-Related Disorders: Cocaine and Narcotics." In Psychiatry Update and Board Preparation, edited by Thomas A. Stern, M.D. and John B. Herman, M.D. New York: McGraw Hill, 2000

beers, Mark H., M.D., and Robert Berkow, M.D., eds. "Alcoholism." The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy.17th edition. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck Research Laboratories, 1999

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Advice on taking Opioids from Addiction Specialist herself

Opiod Withdrawal

Opioids are the medications which are commonly prescribed to relieve pain and most commonly prescribed by doctors in United States. Over the past 10 years, their usage has increased dramatically and so has increased the number of clients seeking outpatient drug addiction treatment for prescribed medications.Opioids are commonly prescribed by doctors after surgery or to help patients relieve with severe acute or chronic pain.Opioids are most commonly prescribed by doctors in United States today. These powerful medications must be taken only as directed by physicians.

In general, opioids are friendly, safe and manage pain effectively and rarely cause addiction. But studies have shown that opioids are safe only when it is taken exactly as prescribed by medical professionals. The problem arises when they are abused.

Yes, Addiction specialist Dr. IndraCidambi specifies about some of opioid medications which can be highly addictive. Dr. Cidambiarticle “Erase Your Pain.” is featured in Health Magazine in the section titled, “What to Know About Taking Opioids”, Dr. Cidambiexpertise provides readers an insight about how opioids work and how addictive they can be. Oxycodone and Codeine these medications attach to opioid receptors in the body and brain to reduce the perception of pain. They produce a feeling of relaxation and euphoria and can be highly addictive warned byM.D Medical Director of Center for Network Therapy in Middlesex, New Jersey.  So, she advises to take opioids only when absolutely necessary. She advises to take at the time of crippling agony after an accident, or at the time of any major surgery. In general she advises to limit the use of these drugs as much as possible. Dr. Cidambiadvises that most of the time for acute injuries hardly you need it to take more than few days. But if your doctor wants to prescribe you for longer than a week, ask for other options.

Dr. IndraCidambinationally acclaimed chemical dependence expert offers Ambulatory Detoxification from opiates (heroin, pain killers) Alcohol, Benzodiazepines and Suboxone. Also addresses benzodiazepine withdrawal, alcohol detoxification and opiate (pain pills, heroin) withdrawal.

Dr. IndraCidambi, M.D at Center for Network Therapy,  unproven medications (Suboxone, Librium, Valium, etc.) and protocols that are used in an inpatient setting. CNT does not provide detoxification from opiates rapidly as it is not proven to be safe. CNT’s services are utmost of high quality. In contrast to inpatient detoxification, clients can safely return to the comfort of their own bed each night. CNT provides Wi-Fi access and allow our clients to keep their cell phones. Keeping gadgets helps patients to minimize the disruption and tension of clients day today life  as they can stay in touch with family, work and school. Also very important, clients are able to practice the skills that they learn daily come back the other day and discuss what actually worked and what they struggled with. Therapists are calibrated to work individually with patients to help them in areas they struggle

All detox-related medications are provided to the patients at no cost by CNT. At Center for Network Therapy, nurses and ASAM board certified physicians monitor the progress of patients throughout the day and titrate medications. Each day at CNT consists of 8 hours of structured treatment – group/individual therapy and self-help groups. In that Family, involvement is strongly encouraged. The length of stay is between 7 and 14 days.

Friday, 10 March 2017

6 effects of alcohol abuse on your skin

Most of us must have gone through it!!!  Following day after a fun night out with young girls affects our skinand it starts looking tireddrained and dull the next day. Even though, it’s good to have a glass of red wine from time to time, excessive alcohol drinking definitely affects the way your skin looks and feels.

Talking about effects of alcohol on your skin and how well you can detox your skin to keep intact the freshness and glow is very important.

Effect1: Dull skin
Excessive alcohol drinking or alcohol abuse can affect the skin in a bad way. The skin begins to look dull, tired and even grayish, rather than ruddy and fresh. For a safe detox, and to fight bluntness and dull skin, it is important that you have a lot of fresh fruits, leafy veggies, especially, oranges, grapefruits which are rich in vitamin C. It is important to combat the problem from the root and lead healthy lifestyle.

Effect2: Dryness of Skin
Over alcohol consumption can lead to the dryness of the skin as well as to the entire system. Best way to deal with this is to drink lots of water after a night out.The quicker you’ll get rid of toxins of alcohol – the better it is. Water is something that really helps your skin from inside. But you should also ensurethat you moisturize your skin from the outside; apply good and useful lotion, make your favorite facial mask from home remedies.

One good homemade facial mask that you can apply that can help infuse moisture and ‘life’ back into your skin: Mix half a cucumber with a tablespoon of plain yogurt in your blender. Apply the thick layer of this on your face for around 15-20 minutes. You can then rinse with lukewarm water and you will see that your face will be fresh and renewed.

Effect3: Excessive Alcohol can encourage the appearance of wrinkles
Excessive intake of alcohol leads tothe dehydration of the system, which in turn can lead to wrinkles and dried up face. Some of the remedies to get rid of alcohol abuse are as follows
Cutting down on excessive alcohol consumption,smoking anddrinking lots of water each day (6or more glasses in 1 day), eating less of the artificial sugars or even or avoiding it altogether if you can and also eating lots of healthy fresh fruits and vegetables. These and following remedies are surely beneficial but do keep in mind to consult the detox specialists in case of serious problems. You can consult specialists at  Center for Network Therapy is licensed ambulatory detox center at Middlesex, New Jersey.

Effect4: Dark circles under eyes and eye puffiness
Excessive alcohol consumption can leave face and under eyes with dark circles. So, how to get rid of bags under eyes and dark circles? Well, first of all, make sure drink it in moderation; also make sure you have enough of beauty sleep and finally, there are plenty of homemade remedies for facial masks that can help you get rid of dark circles and puffiness under your eyes.
Almond Oil, cucumber etc. are the natural ingredients that benefits skin around your eyes, and lighten dark circles.

Effect5: Loosing skin elasticity
Excessive drinking can prompt to hanging of facial elements and the loss of skin flexibility. This is the reason, those who exaggerate with drinking have hooded and droopy eye lids, big bags under eyes and loose skin around the chin and neck. This sounds so dreadful, that it cuts any craving of drinking alcohol.

Effect 6: Acne and skin redness
Excessive drinking of alcohol, eating junk food, staying up and dancing all night long, as well as keeping your makeup on your face all day and then, all night long,  causesa big stress on facial muscles and breakouts and skin redness. Acne is majorly caused by bacteria and eating of greasy and junky foods, but redness can be caused by broken capillaries (often around the nose and cheeks area)

Friday, 17 February 2017

Ambulatory Detox Delivers Medical Vastly Better Results

America is in the grip of a drug epidemic and it is quite evident that traditional, inpatient treatment modalities were unable to dent the addiction curve. Consequently, it is imperative to support innovative, outpatient treatment models that deliver better outcomes. The cost in human lives of sticking to the status quo is just too great!

Addiction treatment pioneer, Dr. Indra Cidambi, introduced the Ambulatory (Outpatient) Detox model at the Center for Network Therapy (CNT) in New Jersey because she believed that integrating treatment with the patient’s home environment delivered better outcomes. The initial response from the treatment community to her innovative approach to detox individuals off of alcohol, benzodiazepines, and opiates in an outpatient setting can be summed up in one word: “Madness!” And, they had reasons – detoxification for alcohol and benzodiazepines was never attempted on an outpatient basis due to risk of stroke and seizures, also patients would be returning home at the end of treatment each day.

However, Dr. Cidambi put in place innovative processes and techniques, which, when combined with longer length of stay, delivered stellar results. She has proven the model to be safe – with nearly 1,000 patients detoxed over 4 years without a single untoward incident, and effective – it has delivered vastly better outcomes relative to inpatient treatment. Additionally, this model saves payors significant money when compared to inpatient detoxification. Ambulatory Detox delivers “nirvana” because, in the field of medicine, better outcomes usually come at a significantly higher cost.

Higher Efficacy:

CNT surveyed total 136 detox former patients at random and found that over 70% of them were sober longer than 90 days after completing Ambulatory Detoxification at CNT. In stark contrast, statistics shows that less than 40% remained sober for 90 days after the inpatient detoxification.

Why does Ambulatory Detox Deliver Better Outcomes?

Dr. Cidambi has made numerous adjustments to detox-medication protocols and introduced more innovative therapeutic approaches, that also includes network therapy, that drive better outcomes. Some of them are:

Individualized Treatment: Medication titration is specially customized for every patient depending on the substance of choice, severity of use and other medications the patient is currently on. This ensures patient comfort and aids compliance.

Integration with home environment: The patient will eventually have to learn to live in his or her home after treatment. At CNT, the integration starts on day one! Therapy is tailored to meet the patient’s home environment so that the patient would learn to cope with his/her specific living situation.

Family Involvement: The permanent support system for any patient is her or his loved ones. At CNT, our focus is to involve them in treatment, with the patient’s consent. Family interventions assure that the patient receives an elevated level of support at home for maintaining sobriety over the long-term.

Longer Length of Stay: Health insurance providers are able to extend stay, as ambulatory detox is more economical. Consequently, medication can be tapered more gently and patients will be able to engage in therapy and starts making lifestyle changes that contribute to sobriety.

The treatment community is now much more comfortable that ambulatory detox is a safer alternative way over the inpatient treatment. If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, incumbent substance abuse treatment providers are now following in Dr. Cidambi’s footsteps.

(Inpatient opiate detoxification in Geneva: Follow-up at 1 and 6 Months. Barbara Broers, Patricia Dumont, Francisco Giner, Annie Mino. University Hospital Dept. of Psychiatry, Switzerland)


(Society for the Study of Addiction: Predictors of relapse to heavy drinking of alcohol-dependent subjects following alcohol detoxification— ethnicity, the role of quality of life measures, social class, cigarette and drug use. J.H. Foster, E.J. Marshall, T.J. Peters)

Saturday, 21 January 2017

Drug and Alcohol Detoxification Procees

Drug and alcohol detox

Drug and Alcohol Detox
Because of the extreme differences in withdrawal symptoms, some drugs are much more dangerous to detox from. It is very important to understand the differences. In some instances, you may be able to detox at home or in a non-medical detox center. In other cases, you may require a hospital detox to avoid serious health complications, including death.

Opiate detox
Certain illegal drugs, such as heroin, are also opiates. Methadone is an opiate that is often prescribed to treat pain, but may also be used to treat withdrawal symptoms in people who have become addicted to opiates. Many systems in your body are altered when you take large amounts of opiates for a long time

Alcohol Detox
Alcohol detox is an important preliminary step in the management of alcoholism. It is a medically supervised period of alcohol withdrawal. During this period, a doctor may administer medications to control symptoms, and the individual is monitored by health professionals to ensure his or her safety.

If you decide to detox from alcohol on the couch it is best to have a phone very close by in case the detoxer suddenly needs an ambulance

If you are not educated in this matter, it would be wise to speak with someone who is to gain advice and experienced direction.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Detoxification centers in New Jersey

 Center for Network Therapy offers ambulatory outpatient detoxification and is conveniently located in Central New Jersey, Therapies used in addiction treatment are based on an individual’s health and substance abuse patterns. Options for therapy include an array of individual or group therapy sessions and are organized by addiction counselors

For more details visit  : Center for network Therapy 

Address : B, 333 Cedar Ave #3 , Middlesex, NJ 08846 

Mobile : +1 (732)560-1080

Websitte : https://www.recoverycnt.com/

Center for network therapy 

Addiction problems discussion with Dr. Indra cidambi on LI Backstory

Dr. Cidambi, addiction expert from the Center For Network Therapy meets with Moms who have lost their children to Heroin, and moms who have a child who is an addict.  

If you would like to be a sponsor of the bus from Long Island to the treatment center in New Jersey, you can contact Gary Jacobs at 516-455-6631 or Maureen Rossi at Maureen.L.Rossi@gmail.com.

know more about Dr. Indra Cidambi's Ambulatory Detoxification program

Dr. Indra Cidambi, M.D, The Center for Network Therapy (CNT) licensed by State of New Jersey is the first facility at Middlesex, New Jersey to provide Medically Monitored Ambulatory Detox (MMAD) from alcohol, benzodiazepines, opiates, stimulants, anesthetics, and other substances

About Dr. Indra Cidambi :  CNT’s Medical Director . Indra Cidambi, M.D., completed her residency in Psychiatry at Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY and her Fellowship in Addiction Psychiatry at NYU/Bellevue Hospital, New York, NY. Previous to the Center for Network Therapy,

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Know the science behind Pain Pill Addiction.

pain pill detox
pain pill detox

Are you intensely addicted to pain pills? You would be happy to know that certainly you are not alone. The cycle of it’suse, dependence, and in use is playing out, repeatedly, in every community across the country. Note that the cycle is described as 'use, dependence, use'--a description that is accurate, because in many cases the cycle of dependence starts when you use medication administered by a person whom you trust—probably your physician.

Pain pills generally are called as 'narcotics'. It’s a term that is derived from the Greek word 'narcosis', or 'sleep' due to their sedative effects. Physicians always use the word 'narcotic' to refer to variety of things in different situations. For example, when referring to controlled substances, 'narcotics' may be used to term drugs regulated by the Drug Enforcement Administration(DEA). An anesthesiologist refer ‘narcotic’ to the portion of the anesthetic that is comprised of drugs that bind to brain 'opiate receptors'. 'Opiate' is another word that is used by physicians in reference to pain pills. The word comes from 'opium', a substance that is derived from poppies and used to make heroin and morphine. The reference 'opiate'is also used for synthetic pain medication that has no connection to poppies or opium.

Mostof you must have heard of 'endorphins'. Endorphins are produced in the human body, and when released, block pain. Endorphins are most of the times referred as 'endogenous opiates' because of their role in pain sensation, even though they have no relation to poppies or even opium, and are structurally quite dissimilar. These natural pain relievers have many other functions in the body. Endorphins are one unique group out of dozens of 'neurotransmitters', the substances that are involved in the communication between nerve cells. Endorphins and other neurotransmitters act as 'receptors', the receptor being a lock on the cell for nerve, and the neurotransmitter being the key element that fits in the lock. Surprisingly, poppies produce a substance that looks different from the natural key known, but that acts like endorphins that fits the exact same keyhole. That substance, a one molecule from the sap of a red flower has helped the human species to ease suffering in countless of  elements, and also has resulted in the deaths of millions of many others.

Over the years scientists have come up with synthetic 'opiates' that has the potential far beyond anything that’s produced by nature. Anesthesiologists use 'sufentanil' that reduce responses to pain during surgery operations. Sufentanil is extremely potent; an amount equal to the size of one grain of salt, say one tenth of just one milligram, placed on the tongue would cause respiratory arrest in a grown up man within seconds. More commonly opiates are taken by patients in the form of codeine, hydrocodone (Vicodin), hydromorphone (Dilaudid)oxycodone (Oxycontin). The prescriptions for these substances are given out to millions of people every day in response to complaints of pain.

Opiates relieve pain, and work in many areas of the brain so as to elevate mood, ease tension, give a subjective sensation of warmth, and cause sedation. They can cause nausea and vomiting, particularly in patients who are naive to them. Finally, they change the response of the brain to a relatively low oxygen and high carbon dioxide in the blood, and slow respiration